diario del proceso artístico-colaborativo de Ania en Labein Tecnalia.

viernes, 2 de mayo de 2008

Searching for sustainability (in UK) for 3 days = 14 + 12 + 3+ 1 + 2+ 13+ 7+ 10 + 1 + 7

More or less 14 hours on a train or tube (we have visited sustainable locations in and around London, Leicester and in South Shropshire)
12 hours long working days (I was ruthless and we worked during lunch breaks and dinners)
3 guided tours (around BedZED, EcoHouse, Ludlow, Craven Arms and Bishop’s Castle) and 1 self guided tour around Brock Hill in 2 groups (Borja preferred to visit the location on his own…)
13 great people met on the way (some of them are chairmen…)
7 postcards sent as a memory of the tour (I was actually testing a new evaluation tool)
10 minutes long performance on the graves in front of the Abbey in Shrewsberry (the town has been re-named during evening walk)
1 nasty cold brought back home (and I have managed to develop into something a bit more serious – 7 days on antibiotics! ouch … but i am back! )
= 70

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