diario del proceso artístico-colaborativo de Ania en Labein Tecnalia.

martes, 18 de noviembre de 2008

entrega del catálogo - broche de oro

hace meses que no hay entradas en esta bitácora. es porque ya terminó el itinerario que se esperaba recorrer.

hoy comento una de esas hebras sueltas que quedan después de los proyectos que se han cerrado a pesar de lo que uno quisiera: la entrega de los 100 catálogos que los gestores del programa Disonancias nos dieron para repartir entre los agentes implicados.

el reparto está siendo entre los colaboradores, los que están en puestos de toma de decisión (para participar en otra posible convocatoria) y un pequeño resto para otros interesados, según esta lista:


1 x Iggy si catalogos dados
2 x borjiz si

3 x ale si

fer si (10) citados en catalogo
5 x usobiaga si

6 x espada

marta O

Alex Paris

jon isusi

10 x beñat

11 x izas u si

12 x amundarain

13 x juan arribas

maria cano
aitor guisasola

leire vadillo

monica serna

maria moragues

bego iru

20 x javi gorbeña

21 x gorostizaga

22 x txiki

23 x sta coloma

24 x ceberio

25 x inma

fco j moreno

27 x araceli

28 x fran


javi aguado
joseba p

32 x m arostegi

33 x pablo r

34 x aitziber

35 x fermin


angela mangas

38 x jm campos

39 x karmele

41 x gemma g


43 x efren


45 x Inasmet: José María Mugica
directores de centro
46 x Azti: Rogelio Pozo

47 x Neiker: Asier Albizu

48 x te+C: Jose Luis Elejalde (ubicado en Tecnalia)

49 x Fatronic: Iñaki San Sebastian

50 x Esi: Manu Prego

51 x Robotiker: Juan Carlos Rodríguez

52 x Tecnalia: Joseba Jaureguizar

53 x Agustin Saenz - Sists Indstrs - FATRONIK,
54 x Alberto Pelayo - Aerospacial - INASMET

55 x Ana Ayerbe - Infotech - ROBOTIKER

56 x Angel Arce - E+C Labein - LABEIN

57 x Antonio Duch - Alimentario - AZTI

58 x Eva Ugarte - Investigación Agraria - NEIKER

59 x Gorka Aduriz - E+C Neiker - NEIKER

60 x Goyo Ortiz de Urbina - Salud-biomateriales - INASMET

61 x Guillermo Gil - Telecomunicaciones - ROBOTIKER

62 x Iñaki Inzunza - Automocion - via Mª Luisa Gorostizaga

63 x Javier Urreta - Construccion - LABEIN

64 x Jose Ignacio Barbero - Siderurgia - LABEIN

65 x Jose Maria Calleja - S. Información - ESI

66 x Lorenzo Motos - Pesquero y Marino - AZTI (PASAJES)

67 x Luis Pedrosa - Energia - LABEIN

68 x Mirian Pinto - MA Natural - NEIKER

69 x Pedro Carnicero - Fundicion INASMET

70 x Pedro Palomino - S. Innovación - ROBOTIKER

71 x Sergio Bandinelli - Software - ESI

72 x Jose Miguel Azoikita - Sociosanitaria - FATRONIK

73 x fer

74 x fer

75 x fer

76 x fer

77 x fer

78 x fer

79 x fer

80 x fer

81 x fer

82 x fer

iggy para Sabas

iggy para Fran Viñez

iggy para Yolanda Herranz, la artistaza hermana de Karmele








borjiz para juan perez

94 x borjiz para irune

borjiz para ibai

96 x borjiz para agurtzane





lo hemos acompañado con una postal de agradecimiento como aparece arriba.

que se conserve en el recuerdo para inspirar futuros proyectos innovadores!


PD. hoy a las 20:30 tomaremos un pintxito con Ania, que ha venido a dar una sesión de creatividad al Donostia. la historia continúa...

martes, 9 de septiembre de 2008

review of Dialogue and the art of thinking together

¿Porqué escogí este libro?

De nuevo el título me sugería acción, relación y participación. Me he dedicado en numerosas ocasiones a facilitar la comunicación en situaciones de conflicto entre personas ayudando primero a los individuos a salir de la tiranía de su visión aislada de las circustancias y después a llegar a la visión del otro mediante el diálogo, la empatía y la reconciliación. He reencontrado todo esto en este libro, rodeado de citas empresariales y comentarios etimológicos, empeñado en demostrar la posibilidad y la bondad de todo esto sin mencionar la fe ni la existencia de una bondad común superior a la colectiva. Esto implica hacer unas cabriolas mentales y unas suposiciones éticas que a mi me resultan mucho más fáciles de entender y explicar admitiendo la posibilidad de creer que podemos hacer el bien, más allá de heroicidades éticas. Por todo ello me ha dejado un poco cansado este libro, que yo resumiría a una décima parte y titularía "Antropología empresarial básica para dialogar".

¿De qué trata este libro?

Trata de cómo se hablan los problemas empresariales entre los que lideran y los que acarrean la empresa. Habla de tres tipos de lenguaje: el del los significados, conceptos y contextos; el de las emociones, la estética y el ritmo de las conversaciones; y el del poder de nuestros actos. Invita a las personas a ser coherentes con lo que piensan, dicen y hacen; a crear estructuras de interacción flexibles y fluidas; y a proveer espacios físicos dedicados al diálogo y el encuentro cómodo y cercano entre las personas. Propone ejercitar la suspensión del pensamiento único, escuchando al otro sin resistencia, desidentificandole de sus palabras, optando por un diálogo reflectivo capaz de explorar de la mano del otro las razones, las asunciones y los recuerdos subyacentes a las palabras de cada uno para ir profundizando en las preguntas y enmarcando los problemas. También recuerda los básicos de expresarse en primera persona, de modo concreto y con valentía. Al final sugiere herramientas y posibilidades de dialogo creativo, capaz de inventar posibles soluciones sin precedentes y nuevas visiones que fluyen hacia y con todos los participantes en el diálogo. Para todo ello reitera la importancia de participar, respetar e interesarse en el otro con tenacidad y generosidad.

¿Qué he aprendido?

Me quedo un poco triste, pensando que únicamente he recordado teorías y prácticas que sabía, en las que creo y que trato de ejercitar continuamente... pero esto no se aprende; se hace, y se sigue haciendo, porque cada circunstancia es nueva y cada relación es nueva. en cada diálogo me descubro de nuevo en un mundo, también, siempre nuevo, donde las personas, cómo no, renacen cada día.

¿Cómo voy a implementar lo que he aprendido?

Seguiré participando en el diálogo, respetando a los demás e interesándome por ellos, expresando con valentía y concreción mi visión de las cosas.

jueves, 14 de agosto de 2008

lunes, 11 de agosto de 2008

STEP 1 - Define your problem/idea/project

SUEM instructions - how to use wooden objects

Instructions are going to be publish over a period of next few days. If you prefer to receive them in one file, PDF with instructions is available, e-mail me at: aniabas{at}gmail{dot}com

Prototypes of SUEM are in La Q. Please test them and leave us your feedback! Any problems with finding the objects? Contact Borja Izaola or Igone Revilla.

el mantel for good bye

The 'mantel' has been created again by Aitor (version with green trousers).
No Picasso inspirations this time...

5 days in Bilbao (and 2 and a half of them free!) & further 3 days in Barcelona = 4 +4 + 120 + 16+ 2+ 3+ 3+ 23 + one

presentations (2 at Labein, 1 at EiTB, Bilbao & 1 at Santa Monica Centre in Barcelona)
4 people approached us straight after presentations 'cause they liked it!
120 labanias questioners distributed (votes still not counted....)
16 pintxos eaten during 2 free days in Bilbao and further 3 in San Sebastian
3 developed shapes of SUE M (and they can be tested now by Labein people!)
at least 23 ideas that have not been developed into real projects... but I hope one day they will happen
= 176

These are the accounts of the final visit.
I am working on the accounts of the whole project. To be available soon.

jueves, 10 de julio de 2008

“Change the world”: Book Review

Why did i choose this book?

It’s the second book suggested by the TAE I read. It was in fact the book i wanted to read first. I was struck by the courageous simplicity of the title. Change the world, no more, no less. Of course, start changing yourself. I think it’s a biographical issue. I’ve gone through so many changes in life. Often I refer to my daily basis as swifting from a world into a different one. I have problems to connect the family realm with the job’s activities and relations. The same happens with the African friends and memories, with the group from architecture, who is not similar to the tasks at work, with the “hobby” at dance and theatre, with the Christian commitment, with Germany as a second reference. Changing from frame to frame, like a movie where personal roles are frame specific and often disconnected. The only connexion is always me. And since long, my personal mission of bridging worlds, of setting links between people and activities, of leaving behind a track, of networking task forces.

This is a book addressed to one’s personal change levers and motivations. It is hard on one’s pitfalls and barriers. It’s bold about one’s hypocrisy and misidentification of personal limits. It’s also an exercise book, not just to read, think about it and leave it behind. At least I feel compelled to implement what I’m reading. It can be a self-transformational book.

what is this book about?

It speaks about changing persons. About human growth and transformation both through life’s external changes which have an influence on the subjectivity and internal changes through maturity and commitment to life, which are put into behaviours, relations and actions. It explains a system for first changing oneself and then the surrounding world. It’s called the “advanced change theory”, ACT, a “set of action principles for more effectively introducing change to human systems”.

It speaks about freedom to become one’s highest self-image, and be accountable for it. It brings mature individuals into productive communities where members share a common purpose and work for the benefit of all. It reflects on the nature of hierarchy in order to introduce emergent adhocracy where groups become organisms and the leader is not a ruthless hero but an autothelic ordinary person able to flow with the reality and the persons around.

It starts by looking within oneself and making a fundamental choice for the life’s purpose which has found me. A choice which makes you true to yourself and opens a path of coherence where all you see is part of one large picture. Hypocrisy has then no room and the natural emergence of reality is not blocked by our former lack of integrity, ineffective behaviour, view on persons as things and purposelessness.

Many dilemmas are addressed, like the common good versus personal interest, solved by following the path of collective fulfilment being inner-directed and other-focused, moving on the edge of chaos from cycle to cycle. The dilemma of natural resistance to change is then seen as a feedback loop in which the change agent and the resisting system are joined in creative tension, nearer to reality than ever.

what have i learned?

This book has put together concepts which were separated for me. It serves as a guide through dilemmas in which i find myself deeply involved. This is all compressed into the task of becoming more autothelic, finding the courage to leave behind the script told by outside forces, disciplined by the 4 steps of “appreciative inquiry” (discovery, dream, design and destiny).

If I had any barrier to change and letting go, this books was heard in terms of faithfulness to my own process of unfolding. The core vision is not defined by personal survival, but by belonging to a productive community. Leadership is not fixed by position, but by spontaneous contribution. The state system is not under static equilibrium but under bounded instability. Social movements do not prevent insurgency but enact it. Empowerment is, beyond responsive, self-authorizing. Consciousness is not script driven anymore, but mindful and free. Moral reasoning does not answer to social expectations but to committed universal principles. Sanctions are not responded but transcended. The self is not divided but authentic. Communication of the self does not use symbols but turns oneself into a living symbol. Visions are not imitated and instructed but created and reframed.

All in all I think my sum up is forgetting the question “what do I have to lose?” and allowing myself to flow with reality. Another important point was brought by the “sacred servants” (Ghandi, M.L. King and Jesus of Nazareth), whose actions are used to illustrate the basic teachings of the book. Odd as they can be for today’s iconography, they where my hidden heroes, now to be brought to the front.

how will i implement what i've learned?

It’s not about doing things, it’s about being and becoming. There are a couple of beliefs I must check and transform into acts. I surrender to being a change agent for the growth of the world.

domingo, 6 de julio de 2008

DisAniaLia @ Ptqk_blogzine

From Ptqk_blogzine: (read the full article)

Hoy quería dedicarle este post al trabajo de
Ania Bas con Labein-Tecnalia, uno de los más densos en ideas y posibilidades. Tecnalia es una corporación de centros de investigación vascos, de los que van en serio. Trabajan en el sector aeroespacial, de automoción, energia, infotech, medio ambiente urbano e industrial, etc. El concepto a investigar era la creación de un “entorno urbano sostenible” (SUE en inglés o sea, al revés). No está muy claro cómo se relaciona esto con las propuestas de Ania pero me imagino que tiene que ver con trabajar desde lo pequeño: los gestos cotidianos en el trabajo; la manera de estar y de pensarse en un entorno; ver qué se puede conseguir cuando se empiezan a introducir cambios desde el nivel de lo micro.

viernes, 4 de julio de 2008

red de disonancias - video

para hacerse una idea de cómo lo visualiza el programa:

red de disonancias

Con un montón de ayuda he conseguido hacer una primera versión, bastante completa, de las personas y actividades que han participado de una u otra manera en disanialia, el proyecto disonancias de tecnalia con ania bas.

una imagen:

lo he hecho con the brain, y el original desde el programa es más interesante que la versión html que he enlazado desde el título -please click on the title to link to the html-.

también he colgado un pequeño video para que os hagáis una idea del original.

necesitais tener java instalado en el ordenador y activado desde el navegador de internet que estéis usando-java needs to be installed-.

os pido que comentéis errores (gente que falta en actividades...), olvidos, y sugerencias. desde el programa se pueden cargar objetos a las lineas y nodos, a lo mejor habrá una próxima versión más completa.


lunes, 30 de junio de 2008

DisAniaLia & La Q

Collaboration? Check it out!

Ways of thinking

Q-tools: An approach for discovery and knowledge work


have ( got) another think coming
informal used to express the speaker's disagreement with or unwillingness to do something suggested by someone else
think again
reconsider something, typically so as to alter one's intentions or ideas.
think out loud
express one's thoughts as soon as they occur.
think better of
decide not to do (something) after reconsideration.
think big
think fit
think for oneself
have an independent mind or attitude.
think nothing (or little) of consider
(an activity others regard as odd, wrong, or difficult) as straightforward or normal.
think nothing of it
do not apologize or feel bound to show gratitude (used as a polite response).
think on one's feet
react to events decisively, effectively, and without prior thought or planning
think twice
consider a course of action carefully before embarking on it.
think the world of
have a very high regard for (someone)

Ecofactory & Cover It Live

Alaitz from Ecofactory and Team Academy specially for the final presentation of results of DisAniaLia project agreed to Cover It Live for us. It did not work at the end but thanks a lot anyway Alaitz! Read the entry on Alaitz's web.

New Style... watch EiTB!

Gorka, thanks for sending the link!

martes, 17 de junio de 2008

lunes, 16 de junio de 2008

A One-Day Challenge - after the conference

The conference was divided into two parts. The first part consisted of talks by 4 speakers who were introducing various subjects/views/ideas/policies. The second half was run using Open Space Technology (see blow) that was allowing people to share their views and discuss burning from individuals' point of view issues related to the subject of the conference. So it wasn't feeding delegates with the only truth about measuring not measurable. It was a platform to start dialogue about existing ways of measuring creativity and start conversation about other ways.

Open Space Technology and actually introduction to this working method is one of the most interesting things i have learnt during the day!

The final outcomes due to the nature of the working methods are not available on the day. When any gathered information arrives to me I will post it on the blog.

Quick intro to OST:
Open Space Technology (OST)enables groups of any size to address complex, important issues and achieve meaningful results quickly. It functions best where more traditional meeting formats fail: when there is conflict, complexity, diversity of thought or people, and short decision times. It has been used in widely diverse settings, from designing aircraft doors at a large aircraft manufacturing company to engaging street kids in defining a sustainable jobs program.
It is a new and powerful meeting methodology!

Four principles:
  • Whoever comes are the right people
  • Whatever happens is the only thing that could have
  • Whenever it starts is the right time
  • When it's over, it's over
Discussions take place in designated areas or separate rooms known as 'breakout spaces' and participants are free to move amongst the discussion groups. Each group records the conversations in a form which can be used to distribute or broadcast the proceedings of the meeting (in hard copy, blog, podcast, video, etc). In a multi-day Open Space, participants have the opportunity to announce new discussion topics / late-breaking sessions each new morning. At the end of the day (or 2 days or 2.5 days) the full group reconvenes for comments and reflection. This helps participants to re-engage in the full group over the duration of the meeting.

The "Law of Two Feet" — a foot of passion and a foot of responsibility — expresses the core idea of taking responsibility for what one loves. In practical terms, the law says that if you're neither contributing nor getting value where you are, use your two feet (or available form of mobility) and go somewhere where you can.

People can choose different roles for participation in Open Space meetings:

  • Host: the person who feels a burning passion for the subject and is willing to take responsibility to call the conversation, invite others in and make sure something gets harvested.
  • Participant: Anyone who is drawn to a conversation wants to stay the whole time and participate fully.
  • Bumble bee: The ones who move from conversation to conversation cross-pollinating the learning.
  • Butterfly: A butterfly may not want to be in any conversation, instead they prefer to sit on the lawn and look beautiful. A new, unexpected conversation may happen when two butterflies meet.
Open Space meetings make the assumption that people who care about the subject will come together. The initial meeting notice takes the form of an invitation, thus the people who have attended have chosen to be there and are willing to contribute. The objectives for the meeting and the time available affect design decisions such as whether action planning is included in the Open Space or not. More info about this method is available on line.

SUE M - work in progress

SUE Model - under development ...

During my last visit in May together with Borja we spent hours in Blue Sky room thinking/using/playing with very first version of SUE M (Beta!)

- is going to be as big as your palm
(so you can see that every problem you want to run through this tool is manageable, scalable & touchable)
- will help visualise your problem/idea/project
(so you can see it rather than only think about it)
- is going to be open for experimentation (suggested ways of using will accompany the model but everybody is invited to come up with new ways the tool can be used!)

Coming soon!

domingo, 15 de junio de 2008

on models of cooperation in critical moments

Stevan Vokovic thoughts on collaborative production. (...) He presented five different models of cooperation which question individual behaviour in critical moments, illustrating interdependences, techniques of creating feelings of security or insecurity as well as paradoxical structures of communication: "prisoner's dilemma", "chicken game", "assurance game", "privileged game" and "altruist's game". The visual quality of these categories says a lot about the performative and paradoxical construction of identity.

from: Polyphonous Language and construction of identity by K. Schlieben

sábado, 14 de junio de 2008

on working from home

She now works flexibly from home, without external control. She works when she wants to. However, she has to carry out an incalculable amount of work for a fixed fee. This means that she does nothing but work at home and can't relax there any more. The route to the desk to read e-mails at the laptop has become as much of a routine as the way to the kitchen to make coffee.

from: She now works flexible ... by M. Osten, B. Kuster, K. Reichard & I. Lorey.