diario del proceso artístico-colaborativo de Ania en Labein Tecnalia.

sábado, 12 de abril de 2008

SUE M: forms, users, functions

of the February DYNAMICS:

What FORM should SUE M have? (SUE M = Sustainable Urban Environment Model)

REAL !!!
A system of indicators, a scoreboard
A suggestive form that inspires you to explain… a simple way to explain complex ideas, maybe like a child’s game, able to move, to play with
Physical, portable, not only digital, but with a digital part to show the process of creation attached to it- I’m tired of everything digital
A toolbox
Hybrid, transparent, suggestive, open and flexible in time and adaptation
A giant model
A film showing what to do, and what happens if we don’t
A sculpture
A big interactive panel
A form? Could it be ethereal? Does “new” culture have a form?
Something to be touched and played with
Colourful, simple outwards (to get the message), sophisticated inwards (complex structure), diverse in meaning (multiple faces)
A gift, a souvenir
The form of a living organism
A virtual world
Many forms and many scales, depending on the needs
A golden egg
A competitive game: the winner, the most sustainable

Who is SUE M for?

4 stakeholders, policy makers and development agents,
4 young people,
4 eeuus tecnalia,
4 anyone who signs a contract with us on this subject,
4 entrepreneurs and creatives (through action!!!),
4 people with influence to spread the word: teacher, mayor, vicar, and politician…
4 us, 4 our partners & customers, 4 the society,
4 me,
4 labein’s team(s) city &territory,
4 everybody: labein personnel, clients, public bodies, companies, citizens…
4 us primarily; clients as an example of what we do and how we do it,
4 different people from different environments to work together,
4 the society, 4 us, 4 the administration, 4 me, 4 my future son, 4 Bilbao,
4 policy makers, 4 society in general, citizens and social networks, 4 the private sector.

What are the functions of SUE M?

Stimulates change
Spend contributor’s money intelligently
Allow sustainable development management
Visualise factors and scenarios of a SUE; generates alternatives in concrete places and social groups; dreams with possible utopias!
Ease communication
Fix new targets of human growth
Favour development, improve quality of life, and assure a future
Teach best practices
Create a common background to give support to different approaches to urban contemporary understanding
Stimulate, make think and inspireseverybody
Organise ideas, help to represent all of these abstract ideas, explain, and understand
Create consciousness, build & communicatesa new urban culture, make ideas arise, stimulate/encourage us
Provide new ways to work together, to think, to create, to empower others, to use your brain…
Change the way urban systems work
Change the questions we ask
Gain trust from customers & partners, & sell more
Evaluate, simulate scenarios, and raise awareness, support decision-making

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