diario del proceso artístico-colaborativo de Ania en Labein Tecnalia.

martes, 15 de abril de 2008

SUE M: February dynamics - feedback

Feedback from February dynamics


Very good dynamic. Made me think differently about the process and helped me clarify my own ideas.

Amusing + short time

It’s very good because made us think in our own thoughts about the future of SUEM in a different and funny way.

Playing is helpful to work with ideas

It moved/shaked my mind!

Me ha rescatado de la rutina de hoy!

Buena Idea

40 min for dynamic is goo!

Know now new people and new ways in Labein

Clever and quick

Really good to stand up! This helps with thinking!

Good to see path instead of agenda!

Una forma divertida y exigente - si quieres puedes aportar - una via valida de trabajo en grupo


Would be good to work on a physical model

How to continue?

A more complex tree would be useful

Too little time!

Me ha hecho pensar


We should have shared the outcomes together as one big group before finishing!

There was no place for future vision!

I do not like writing

El otro grupo me daba empujones

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