Imagination Experts Day value - in Labanias
Imagination Experts Day took place at the end of March 2008. 2 months later I decided to check how much the experience is worth! I decided to measure the value of the day using a creative currency: Labanias.
Name of creative currency: Labania
What is it: it is a currency that was created to measure not measurable experiences/actions/benefits/situations.
Strengths and Weaknesses: Each person can rate/value experiences in different way and where for one person a smile might be worth just 1 Labania, for the other person same smile might be worth 5 Labanias. The currency has highly changeable rate and is a very personal one. This is its strength and its weakness.
Labanias cannot be exchanged for real money.
Partcipants (parents, experiment's leaders and supporters) were invited to rate how many Labanias each of the mentioned actions/experiences/outcomes are worth & send me the results. I will publish result on the blog, meantime feel invited and post your answers!
All mentioned categories below relate to Imagination Experts Day (called IED).
Not all actions below are relevant to each participant.
You CAN also ADD your own categories and rate them!
1. A person that you did not know well before after IED smiles at you at the corridor = .... Labania(s)
2. A person that you get to know better during IED is less formal; you can tell that it helps your communication and day to day tasks = .... Labania(s)
3. After IED you can still see connection created between work-home as i.e. your child still mentions the day = .... Labania(s)
4. After IED you see your working environment from a new angle. i.e. you believe that odd/interesting/new things can happen here = .... Labania(s)
5. After IED you started recognising your working place as one that invests into you, your children, employees, future = .... Labania(s)
6. After IED you are inspired to do other projects that are not necessarily part of your day-to-day work = .... Labania(s)
7. After IED you are inspired to do your day to day work in a different way = .... Labania(s)
8. Spending a day at work with your child = .... Labania(s)
9. Your child during IED discovered her/his new passions/ potentials = .... Labania(s)
10. Your child learnt more about your working environment = .... Labania(s)
11. The event you helped created/ took part in was shown on TV = ....Labania(s)
12. The event you helped created/ took part appeared in press = ... Labania(s)
13. During IED you learnt something new & inspiring about yourself i.e. discovered that you can run sessions for kids = .... Labania(s)
14. During IED you discovered something new & inspiring about your colleague(s) = .... Labania(s)
15. Your work place provided you with time and resources to prepare to run session for kids = .... Labania(s)
16. IED made you reflect about Labein. = .... Labania(s)
17. IED made you reflect about your place in Labein = ..... Labania(s)
18. IED made you change something about your work patter/ work approach = ... Labania(s)
19. Somebody has congratulated you running/ taking part in the successful event = .... Labania(s)
20. Your bossed has congratulated you running/taking part in the successful event = .... Labania(s)
21. Other companies/competitors see IED as an advantage/innovation over them = .... Labanias
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