What is the value of Imagination Experts Day, in Labanias?
(according to Labanias - spreadsheet! *)
The total value of the Day = 650 Labanias! (merged value of individual value by 6 people, so 108, 3333333333 - would be the average value)
The lowest value of the day - 50 (by individual person)
The highest value of the day - 159 (by individual person)
The highest rated categories are:
with 54 Labanias in total:
After Imagination Experts Day you can still see connection created between work-home as i.e. your child still mentions the day
with 52 Labanias in total:
Spending a day at work with your child
The lowest rated categories:
9 Labanias in total:
Your boss has congratulated you running/taking part in the successful event
13 Labanias in total:
The event appeared in press
It was interesting to read through answers and especially look into the middle ground - into categories not with the highest scores, but highly scored by all people who replied.
All valued relatively high in their own Labanias was category 14 - During the event you discovered something new & inspiring about your colleague(s). (42 Labanias in total; highest value 11)
This questions over all was more valued then similar question in relation to a child: Your child during the day discovered her/his new passions/ potentials (39 Labanias in total; highest value 12)
Exactly same value as discovering your children potentials got category number 1 - A person that you did not know well before after the event smiles at you at the corridor. (Highest value: 9, given by 2 people)
I should also mentioned that to original list of 21 questions/categories one person added a new category and rated it highest of all:
Will you repeat this freshness day in your company?
I am not a data analyst, I am more data feeler :D but during the project i met people who are competent in this field! And who i hope will share their views of the results.
If anyone would like to view the whole spreadsheet I am happy to fwd it to you. Please get in touch via e-mail: aniabas{at}gmail{dot}com.
And share your thoughts!
* spreadsheet will be also available to view in Ania's notebook/journal on 19th June (Labein, Level 3 various locations of the table on the wheels...)
1 comentario:
¿qué valor tuvo el día con los expertos en imaginación (DEI)?
El DEI tuvo lugar el 28 de marzo de 2008. 2 meses más tarde Ania ha evaluado cuánto valió la experiencia usando una moneda creativa, la labania.
¿Qué es una labania? es una moneda creada para medir lo no medible: experiencias, actos, satisfacciones, situaciones.
Cada persona pueda valorar los items de manera personal, porque para uno una sonrisa puede valer 1 labania y para otra 100. Esta moneda tiene un valor de cambio personal. Esta es su fortaleza y su debilidad.
Se invitó a todos los participantes y organizadores del DEI a valorar una serie de items, hubo 6 respuestas y los resultados son estos:
El acumulado total del DEI asciende a 650 labanias, es decir, 108'33 de media por persona.
Para la persona que menos ha valorado el DEI suma 50 labanias.
Para la persona que más lo ha valorado suma 159 labanias.
Los items más valorados son:
"Tras el DEI queda visible la conexión creada entre trabajo y casa, por ejemplo, tu hijo recuerda el dia" =
54 Labanias in total.
"Haber pasado un dia de trabajo con tu hijo" =
52 Labanias in total.
Los items menos valorados son:
"Tu jefe te ha felicitado por formar parte de este evento" =
9 Labanias in total.
"Este evento en que has participado ha salido en el periódico" =
13 Labanias in total.
Resulta interesante leer entre lineas y especialmente en los items medios, que no tienen la valoración más alta, pero fueron valorados bastante por todos. Es el caso de:
"Durante el DEI has descubierto algo nuevo/inspirador sobre tus compañeros" =
42 Labanias in total.
"Tu hijo sabe más sobre dónde y cómo trabaja" =
39 Labanias in total.
"Una persona que no conocías bien antes del DEI te sonrie por el pasillo" y "Tu hijo descubrió una nueva pasión/potencial durante el DEI" tienen el mismo valor =
36 labanias en total.
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