diario del proceso artístico-colaborativo de Ania en Labein Tecnalia.

miércoles, 6 de febrero de 2008

Sustainable Urban Environment Model (SUEM) - by Gemma

Models of territory (top), urban metabolism (middle)
and diversity (bottom) by Gemma
(work in progress)

Urban metabolism - "functioning of a model city to that of eco-systems, characterised by an inward flow feeding the internal processes, and by an outward one, constituted by the sink of wastes and emissions into surrounding environment, thus closing the cycle of metabolism. While eco-systems are closed-circular systems, where a network of negative feedbacks leads to a substantial "homeostasis", urban systems are instead energetically and materially open systems".

“variety of persons, creative chaos, cultural mix, network collaboration, multidisciplinary teams, polilandscaping, abundance, high degree of biodiversity, intergenerational communication and peace”

4 comentarios:

borjiz dijo...

al modelo de territorio le he dado un mordisco y sabe a patatas onduladas!

ania bas dijo...

Comments from dynamics:

Top image:

Textures champion!

patata frita: apetitosa

hands are part of teh model?


simplicty is GOOD!

ania bas dijo...

Comments from dynamics:

Middle image:


Difficult to FIX

Balance is important!

Very interesting!

This is like family relations - you can leave but finally you will be band because rubber band effect is working....

ania bas dijo...

Comments from dynamics

Bottom image:

Very isimple


This one suggests the tetris game - not always the pictures fix ok but the thing continue happening. This is like life-history-society