diario del proceso artístico-colaborativo de Ania en Labein Tecnalia.

martes, 29 de enero de 2008

5 days at Labein = 18+13+100+5 +1+42+3

18 meetings (between 10 and 90 minutes long)
13 coffees (5 of them were coffee substitutes from the coffee machine…)
around 100 minutes spent on walking (from one level to the other, from one meeting to the other, to and from the toilet, to and from the restaurant etc.)
5 lunches and 1 birthday party
42 sent e-mails
3 posts on the blog
= 182

1 comentario:

borjiz dijo...

182 is an amazing number according to the Kabbalah: it's name is Jacob, which equals 7 times the name of God. The number 7 represents harmony and completeness – seven days a week, seven notes in a musical scale. Jacob therefore represents the complete and harmonious expression of God's name.
Translated into Disonancias, it must mean that the noise you have created, in the otherwise quiet environment of Labein, was music to our ears; and everyone knows that productivity is enhances with pleasant music.
Thanx, and sing us again siren calls.